Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thanks my dear friends!!!

Meet up with my ITE gang on Sat evening. Had a great one!! =)

We cam-whored! haha.. too many pics to upload so I selected some only. =p

Thanks friends who turned up at the small gathering! Thanks for the effort to meet up though all of us are busy. Looking forward to our 3rd anniversary gathering!!

Pple present: Lina, Nicole, Wendy, Angeline, Pearl, Jonathan, Jeffery and his gf.

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Lina & me.

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Snapshot of my girls gossiping.. haha

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Another snapshot of them. hehe

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Jeffery and gf.

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Jonathan & Pearl.

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snapshot of jeffery & gf @ N.Y.D.C

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Lina posing.. but some extra put the menu in.. duh.. haha

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snapshot snapshot!! haha..

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Blessed with 2 very very good n close friends!! =D

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My surprise Bday cake from my girls.. (BakerzInn)

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Happy Belated Birthday To Me!! hehe

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Blow candles!!!

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Lina & me.

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Nicole & me.

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Wendy & me.

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Angeline & me.

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Jeffery, me & gf.

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Pearl, Me & Jonathan.

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My girls!! =)

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My girls & me again.. (snapshot)

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Lina & my food!

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Pearl & Jonathan's food

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Group Photo!!

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Thanks to all my friends who came to celebrate my belated birthday! *muacks*

* Imagine me without YOU *Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! & Happy 5th Birthday to Jacinda!

Presents received so far:
->SK diamond bracelet, Baby Eeyore, P Plate, Sky dining & lovely roses(all by darling)
->SK diamond necklace(Boss & manager)
->Pig hong bao(Shi fu)
->Qoo Hong Bao(Darling's mummy)
->Cash (Brother & Parents)
->Jeans(Sis and her bf)

This is gonna be a SUPER long blog.
p/s: Don't try to read my blog if you are sleepy. =p

I'm a very happy girl!!! I had a very memorable birthday this year. Sky Dining was the best moment I ever had! Thanks so much darling! Its really sweet of you..

Colleagues celebrated for me on the 12th as I am on block leave from 14th till 2oth. Had a surprise cake and presents. Lovely cake from Chocz. Hong bao from shi fu. SK diamond necklace from boss n manager.

Had seafood dinner with my darling's family on 16th. Uncle's treat! haha. To celebrate my bf sis n my birthday together. So coincedence that our birthday falls on the same day! Bought a tub of ice cream n sang song. Cute & special birthday cake we have! hehe

Bec was supposed to meet me on 16th, but she was down with high fever. Think we have some miscommunication somewhere and I was quite sad over it. Sky dining have to be reserved earlier so my bf did so. It is comfirmed that we will be having dinner on 17th May 6.30pm. While having dinner half way, bec called n asked where was I. I told her happily that I am having dinner in the cable car. She sounded angry n pissed and said that she told me she will be meeting me after her work. Which I didn't receive any msg stating that she'll be coming after her work. The timing was just not right. I was sad that she sounded angry n pissed. She didn't tell me what time she was coming, if not I wouldn't even wanna make her pissed in the 1st place. Hais. If she told me she will be coming during dinner time, I would have told her that the dinner is reserved and could not be cancelled. Its all my fault for not planning things in hand. =( But She's so sweet to deliver my lovely cake to my house. My mum called n told me bec has bought me a cake. I rushed home straight after dinner for my cake. Its really sweet n nice. I'm sorry babe.. if i ever made u angry n pissed. I really appreciate what you have done for me. Though we seldom meet n update each other, You are still my BESTEST friend I ever had! We may be both busy with our lives, have our own group of friends.. You're always in my heart. =) I tink probably all the friends that I've known knows about u cuz I've been constantly talking about u. I've been reading your blog and I know that you are really busy and you are happy with your friends around you. But whatever it is.. You will always be my best friend. We may have lots of quarrels before but don't forget the laughters n fun that we had. The reason why I'm writing so much is cos I feel that we don't seem to be like before anymore. And I would like to take this chance to let you know how i feel. I sense that you might be angry with me for some things that i do. Or even coz I have no time for you anymore. I really appreciate you and ALL the things that you did for me. Forgive me if i have ever made you cry or angry! Dunno if you will read this blog, but still.. I wanna let u know how i feel n how much i appreciate u. Thanks alot babe!

Hmm.. after pouring out my feelings, I feel better. Hope that she understands me.

Sky Dining--> Once in a lifetime experience you must go.
If you got motion sickness, I think that you can forget about this experience. (one of my friend puked straight away after dinner)

I'm really happy and excited about the sky dining. Our 1st time. Its really romantic. The whole journey takes about 2 hours.

Dear bought me a SK diamond bracelet, baby eeyore, P Plate, brought me for sky dining and a surprise bouquet of rose served during desert. I'm really very happy!! One of the nicest birthday I ever had before. I dunno what to say to express my feelings. haha. I'm juz happy.. very very happy. hehe. My sis said that I'm a xing fu de xiao nu ren. haha

Birthday cake from My colleagues. So sweet of them!!

Eeyore Ice-cream cake from Rebecca. Thanks alot babe. Sorry that I didn't get to meet you. Cuz u didn't tell me what time u're coming..and the dinner was booked earlier on. Thanks for sending it to my place. =)

Happy 23rd Birthday to Myself! =)

The Surprise rose after a windy ride home. haha

Taken Before sky dining. *sweet*

View from Mount Faber. =)

Display of The Sky Dining. NICE!!!

Drinking soup inside cable car.. hehe

My other half.

Starters : Tomato Soup with garlic bread followed by Salmon Salad. =)

Main : Grilled Beef Tenderloin & Grilled Chicken served with Red Wine. YUMMY!!!!

Desert : Brownie + coffee

And this is where my surprise roses came in. hehe. SO SWEET!!

* Imagine me without YOU *Friday, May 18, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

GOOD NEWS to myself.. haha.. I passed my driving test! Finally got hold of my licence! I was overjoyed. Spent so much money, time and effort.

Was so super stress can! Was so dejected when I failed the 1st time round in Jan. I strike the stupid kerb in my crank course and got an immediate failure and deduction of 6 points. I was too nervous and the car infront of mine distracted me. I missed the turning point and there I go.. Up on the kerb. -_-" After I knew I got that immediate failure I don't feel like driving anymore. Waste of my time. So the tester juz anyhow deduct 6 points to make me happy. 2 points for rolling backwards on the slope, the other 4 is for fail to comfirm safety for my vertical parking. -_-"

This time round I got dedected 18 points!! PHEW~ Juz nice can.. SWEAT.. supposing only 14, but he flip here and there, den deduct another 4! Lucky still PASS! haha. 2nd time also super stress. Dunno wad will i do if i failed again. Rental for car for TP is 120, per hour driving is 24, circuit booking is 18 for non-peak, 22 for peak. I think I spent like more den 1k for my licence.

Didn't get any points for my course.. All 18 was on the road. -_-" There was alot of cars at that point of time i went out to the road. Around 4.15? I was super scared. 4 points for insufficient acceleration which one was given a chance, so (2 points) 6 points for road hogging! LOL I didn't keep to the left lane. (8 points till now) Another 6 points for failure to slow down when approaching road hazards (14 points) Den I got 8 points for blind spot. 2 chances was given so... LUCKY!!! I was really stupid la.. Didn't listen to instruction properly. He said infront right turn. I tot right U-TURN. -_-" So I went to the wrong route and all these mistakes came by. STUPID ME!! >.<>

Went back to the test centre. Was super excited. I was not done with the points! -_-" Back to the room where he'll tell me where I did wrong. den he flip here n there, deduct another 4 points for blind spot again. There I go. 18 points. So stress can!!!!!!!!! haha. But can pass I'm really happy liao. hehe.

Thanks to my darling, pearl , friends n my collegues for their moral, spritual and etc etc support. Love all of them~ Muacks

* Imagine me without YOU *Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Congrats Elicia on your wedding! Hope you'll have a blissfull marriage.

Seeing my Sec sch friends getting married one by one I'm really happy for them. At least they've found their life time partner and their future.

But everytime I see my friends getting married, I feel sorry for myself. Haha.. Not that I'm unattached or what la. Or I'm dying to get married. But the funny thing is that my other half have no plans for our future at all. Probably he has a plan, but didn't tell me. But I'm like.. always the one talking about weddings. (This make me sound like I'm DYING to get married!) haha..

I dunno, but we have major quarrels over the WORD marriage. My mum knew my sec sch fren is getting married, so she was asking me.. "When's Yours?? Since both of u have been together for more den 2 years already. Any plans?" I TOLD my bf about wad my mum asked. Guess wad he said? I was like.. quite angry when he said this when we were quarreling.. " Why everyone is pressuring me to get married?" I was like WHOA, my mum juz asked only. Ya, although I did mentioned about it afew times. But he didn't give me an answer like.. When.. -_-"

Oh well, I'm already turning 23 this year. Not OLD but not YOUNG either. What am I suppose to do if I didn't know what my future is going to be like? Right? Imagine spending your youth with someone who doesn't have plans to grow old together!! Sometimes I just feel insecure. You get what I mean? I'm getting tired of hanging on the cliff waiting to be rescued. Sometimes I'm tired of life. My life. Things don't go well for me. I have a JOB that doesn't earn much. My bf sometimes don't understand and know what exactly I want. Argh.. juz sucks! Lucky I have my family, but we're not as close as before cuz whenever I have free time it goes to him n his family. Oh ya, not forgetting about my friends.. Pearl n jonathan is always there for me when I'm down.

Sigh.. I'm confused. I dunno what to do. After so much quarrels with my bf, I feel like giving up. He doesn't understand how i feel sometimes. All i need is some sense of security. But I don't feel it. Everything about him is good except this point. Anyway, since I can't get the sense of security from him, I've told him I'll never ever talk about the WORD marriage again. Cuz I doubt I'll ever get married. =)

Signing off soon.. quite tired after the wedding dinner located at jurong. Lucky Yvvone's husband send us back. If not I think we'll take donkey years to get back home. Good night..

* Imagine me without YOU *Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY KOR!!!!!!!!!

Hmm.. finally i could blog with pics!! haha.. cuz there's a special event.. my brother's birthday celebration..

Celebrated his birthday at Prinsep Place Pub Underground.

Yes.. my bro puked like a merlion.. poor him!!

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The starter!

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Here it goes..

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Finally finished his 2nd waterfall..

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The loving couple..

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Them again.. haha

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The Birthday cake from Bakerz Inn..

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Wish made, candles blown.. wish will come true!

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Cutting the cake together

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Kiss from his girl

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Kisses from his loving sisters!! haha

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One kiss for my darling boy as well.. hehe

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Sisterly love

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I love him. ("v")

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1st pic taken with my stupid permed hair. I miss my long straight hair!

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Him with his funny face..

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Pulling my Naughty Boy's ears.. hehe

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I know its ugly but its cute.. haha =p

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The 3 of us...

We had lots of fun that night.. Hope my bro had an enjoyable birthday celebration.. =)

* Imagine me without YOU *Tuesday, December 05, 2006

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